Song Kee Fish Soup @ Lau Pa Sat Festive Market

I love my follow friends, and this is the only reason why I’m sharing this. This has got to be my favourite FISH SOUP of ALL TIME.!!! Discovered this place when I was working in the CBD area, it’s located at Lau Pa Sat Festive Market. Frankly speaking, Lau Pa Sat is just blah, out of so many stalls, only the fish soup & yong tau foo caught my attention and my loyalty! I used to have this at least once a week when I was working, & my record was 3 times a week. Hahhaha well, which girl doesn’t love fish soup?

The main selling point of this tasty fish soup, I guess, is the Deep Fried Eggyolk that’s topped as a garnish into the soup before the girl places it on your tray. Which makes the soup even more fragrant, nommmmmx. I loveeeeeeee the fried egg. When it’s dipped into the soup, it turns soggy. And when you drink it together with the soup.. ahh heaven.

The fish is almost always fresh (hate the fishy taste) and the amount of fish is just right for me, sometimes even too much for me.

General serving of basic ingredients like cabbage, tomato, tofu and seaweed. All my favourites! I hate it when they add anchovies, bleah.

And I love to have it with my lovely ex-colleague who doesn’t take the deep fried eggyolk. (see how my fried egg doubles up) I swear it’s not because it isn’t nice but it’s because she’s a weirdo 😡 AND she doesn’t take ALOT of food!!! Well more for me!! She would give me the fried eggs and all the cabbages wahahha. She’s the kind that takes prawn mee, but not the prawn. W e i r d o.

The fish soup costs $3.50, served with rice/thick beehoon/ thin beehoon/ coca brown noodle (will affect the taste & color of your soup) at $0.50. SOMETIMES, their rice will run out -_- i have no idea why. and SOMETIMES, their fresh sliced fish will run out too -_________- and I personally don’t like fried fish, I find it too salty and I like my fish soup to be fresh and light! ALSO, they tend to sell out rather fast, so come early! Before the office lunch crowd would be best! They close right after lunch!

Verdict for Fresh Sliced Fish Soup !

Food – Definitely a 5/5!! U’ll never get bored of it

Value – Definitely a 5/5 too !

Service – I love how the grandma recognises me but sometimes they do get cranky so beware!

Song Kee Fish Soup @ Lau Pa Sat Festive Market (Cross the traffic light from Guardian, and turn right once you enter LPS, it’s the first stall! Very obvious)

Monday to Friday

10am to 2pm or when sold out

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