Beijing Trip 2013 – Day 5

Day 5!

The weather was super duper cold! Rained through the entire night and for the first time, i experienced this:


I always find this very cool! Often see this in Korean drama, finally I got to experience it. And lol I take back my words. It’s TOO COLD!!! Way to cold for my weak body. I was on my full gear that day, tried my best to wear whatever I can lol. I can barely talk properly.

It was our long awaited day, as we were supposed to conquer The Great Wall of China ~~~

So we headed to this station (I forgot the name) to take this particular bus that will drop us at the Great Wall, which we were warned on many travel blogs and forum, that there will be a lot of “scam taxi & buses” around. Which was very true. Once they spot a tourist, their radar is set on you and you only, they will direct you to the bus stop, saying that’s the bus stop BUT the bus isn’t coming. And they only transport left is THEIRS. A sedan. Hmm 2 girls to take a car with a man, seems rather dangerous. And I think they charge us about 70-80 rmb per person. Bus ride is definitely less than that, maybe less than 10RMB (really can’t rmb).

After much discussion, we decide to walk down further to check it out. To and fro, to and fro, CANT FIND THAT BUS SIGNAGE AT ALL! Then we cross the road, and finally we saw it. To all fellow tourist who are heading to Great Wall, if you think that’s the end of the bus interchange, it’s not! You will be shocked, after crossing the road, there are more stops infront!

I think the bus station gang up with the people there, so that they can successfully tricked tourist that aren’t well informed.

Over there at the bus stop, we were told the ticket is 80 RMB. W T F. Again.

Don’t believe.

We approach a security guard standing nearby and he told us that there are no more buses toward the Great Wall due to the bad weather. So the remaining ones are all out to scam your money

Thus we decided to switch our itinerary and went to the Summer Palace instead. The new one.

Took a cab, and both of us fell asleep thanks to the long journey.

384098_10151588932789574_1867990953_nus in the cabby

IMG_4670Arrived! Photo taken by an elderly couple, kamsamnida! ^^


IMG_4674The map of Summer Palace. I think we’ll take weeks to finish the park without resting.

IMG_4676A status that we see in most palaces




IMG_4720The palace was so well preserved and beautiful. Look at the colorful painting on the ceiling!



IMG_4691if only we can rent the boat like in Running Man!!


IMG_4695The floor was so slippery due to the rain, I nearly trip and fall quite a no. of times, my lousy aldo boots!!!




IMG_4703Man playing di zi at the corner.  What a perfect place & weather to be enjoying his instrument. Ahh I miss my flute ~~

487548_10152279406571029_468425716_nYes please go ahead

602695_10152279406381029_131872918_n (1)

IMG_4705we decided to take a Gege photo for souvenir purpose!


482030_10152279406741029_1381876945_nhahah this pic is damn cute! 

71934_10151588932984574_721243905_nit was a really fast and furious shoot, the guy was so impatient  Super annoyed with him. Well, he was annoyed with us too. But whatever, LOOK AT THE PICTURE!! We weren’t seated in the center. AND you can see all their barang barang at the side. AHH should have check before we left. We were too obsessed with our face. Lol

733831_10152279482716029_1792468857_nNvm still happy!! $8.50 sgd for this! Hehe



IMG_4723Was still drizzling… Brrrr


IMG_4710Ren 3 Ren Hai



269222_10152279449506029_1659220515_nWe climbed this super long stairs and started camwhoring like siao here


602756_10152279450731029_2009660981_nDinoTina is hungry!



488097_10152279451026029_1516883331_nFinally reached the temple



230167_10152279471796029_1547261512_nAfter which, we wanted to go to the “Suzhou Chun/ Suzhou Village”. Had a really hard time finding it, the park was just too big. Don’t people get lost easily in the past?



524892_10152279472106029_1264180389_nAnd yeah ,when we reached the village, we were at the other end and the gate was locked -_-

The only way was to walk all the way back to where we started, which took us probably about 40 mins. No way we’re heading back. So we took this short cut up the slope instead. Yup I went on four forms. LOL. Remind me of my hiking trip at Mt Kinabalu. Tsk

IMG_4752We finally reached the village. BUT only a few shop was open. Why like that :((((


IMG_4755After this, we took a cab back to city area. To Lama Yong He Gong / Lama Temple.

IMG_4758Noticeboard said it was -2degree >.<



IMG_4761Which looked exactly the same as previous palace that we visited. And many people were there to pray, I couldn’t stand the smoke of incense, quickly left the place. Not a need to come actually.

Then we walked down the street to Confucius Temple.



IMG_4773The Confucius temple was linked to the Imperial College, where student took their Imperial Exams in the past.




IMG_4777Kong Fu Zi

IMG_4780After visiting both the temple, we were famished. And as it was our last few nights at Beijing, we did a little research and decided to go to Fang Shan Restaurant located at Bei Hai Park.

IMG_4784Bei hai Park was really huge. Wish we were cycling in instead of walking. Took nearly half an hr…





IMG_4792Ta da!! Finally reached. Fang Shan as shown above, basically means imitation of imperial food.






IMG_4803This set up was in the middle of the restaurant, the dishes on the table, was said to be part of The Emperor’s menu in the past.

IMG_4805Finally a more decent restaurant with good services.

IMG_4806We ordered the course meal for 2.

IMG_4807Starter: Cold dish

IMG_4809Beef beef

IMG_4811Watery soup

IMG_4813Giant fresh prawn

IMG_4812Cabbage with chestnut


544184_10151588933619574_426735167_n (1)Deer meat, so yummy!

Seeing the serving so small, inpatient and hungry me ordered rice for both of us to share. Beside the dish was a little to salty to be eaten on its own. But the lady told us our mains are coming soon (didn’t udnerstand), went ahead to order a small bowl of rice. Lucky Tina stopped me from ordering one each. Hahahah though every dish comes in rather small portion, but it’s actually quite filling. Especially after you have their “mains”.

392906_10151588934609574_463373350_nSo this is their mains. The Baos. Comes with beef fillings. Hmm I thought Chinese main source of food is Rice, why no rice?

311807_10151588934359574_1832524482_n (1)I know it doesn’t seem much, but damn this is one of my favourite dish there. Seeing this picture makes me wanna have it right now.. SOBBB

IMG_4814AND THIS WAS VERY GOOD ALSO. Have no idea what’s inside, but the seasoning on top is heaven.

IMG_4815And these are our dessert. I dislike all of them! It’s starchy and salthy. Desserts are meant to be sweet & yummy, else refreshing and cooling yo


IMG_4816Ya this my fav dessert plate.

This meal ended our tour for the day! Would recommend you guys to dine in here 🙂  Personally, I feel that this is more worth it than going to Quan Ju De Restaurant.

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